Once upon a time, in a dense Pacific jungle on the island of Samoa, a young hunter named Tama followed his curiosities, limited only by his grandma’s ghost stories. His unfinished chores left behind, he wandered deeper into the jungle and came across a chirping bird’s nest perched high up in a tree. Tama knew …
What To Pack
TL;DR Boards Bring boards based on your riding style. (2) boards is recommended. There are larger wave opportunities but most of the year, its head high on the slab. The biggest a select few slabs can handle is triple over, most sit comfortably at double over on serious days. It doesn’t happen often. Accessories Bring …
Va’a Niue
Today we go on a journey into the jungles of Samoa, where we will make a Samoan style Va’a Niue. While the Samoan va’a differs from the true Niue style canoe, they still share similarities. The Samoan style is larger, it’s thicker, and its tree choice is made often for the speed and ease of …
American Samoa Suspected Shark Attack
On October 14th, A man was found in Vatia with injuries that led local authorities to believe a shark attacked and killed the man. Fishing is a common activity for locals. In water and throwing nets, Hawaiian slings, spearguns, hand-lining to name a few. When fishing, locals commonly use 12 / 14 gauge solid copper …